Brian j Boucher

Game Dev Portfolio

Projects led with HomeTeam GameDev


Credits: Project lead, core gameplay and main raycaster code, snow art, custom level editor, projectiles, item pickup code, multiple level support, exit functionality, initial title screen, debug mode visualizations, level design, assorted bug fixing, minimap

Barrow Frieght Interplanetary

Credits: Project lead, core functionality, object carrying and snapping, ship prototype, computer stats relationships, job system functionality and related authoring, ETA clock, progress bars, pipes, burning terminal support, fire extinguisher functionality.

Ghost Rustlers

Credits: Project lead, core gameplay prototype, aim calculations, character switching feature, projectile and ricochet logic, camera pan improvements, debug visualization features, enemy support, destroyable object code, exploding barrels, additional asset integration and assorted bug fixing

Projects contributed to with HomeTeam GameDev

Hidden Passageways

Credits: Dig Site Zone, Dig Site 1970's Cart, Desk calendar model, Jump code fix, final testing

Chicken's Gambol

Credits: AI enemy army programming and related optimizations, group selection by number key, slime patch organic randomization

Kung Twu

Credits: Temple painting, Waterfall painting (based on in-game animation), player sweep attack bug fix

Mobius Inversion

Credits: Tokyo tower building model, docomo building, Tokyo skybox

Slick Punch

Credits: Hearts health meter, countdown timer, crouch fix, limited double jump

We Must Prepare

Mouse highlight for nearby mouseover

Operation Lifeline

Credits: Thruster particle effects

Warped Radar

Credits: Fixed dialog/collision related bug

Dream Racer

Credits: Playtesting, Music Bug Fix


Aplanar La Curva (Flatten the Curve)

Educational game demonstrating how social distancing, hand washing, and wearing a mask can help flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases.

Credits: Main Programmer, Designer

Imperio de Las Arrieras (Leaf Cutter Empire)

Educational game about the life cycle of the tropical leaf cutter ant

Credits: Programer for the colony and nuptial flight mini-games

Games made for

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
